Pink Cosmos

Pink Cosmos
Macro photography is my current interest. It challenges me to look more closely at everything around me and find the beauty in the simplest objects.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

A New Beginning

About a year ago I spent a number of hours creating my personal website at Mobile Me. I took classes at the Apple store and worked hard to create a website that looked professional and highlighted my passion for photography. Then I upgraded ALL my devices to the Lion operating system and with an unexpected ROAR, by website was eaten alive and could no longer be edited or accessed! What a frustrating, disappointing day it was to find that Apple no longer supported iWeb. I know, I should have read ALL the fine print before updating, but of course, me being me, I just jumped in with both feet and discovered the consequences later!   I looked for alternatives, found a few, and got over my initial disappointment. Then my friend Rich told me about this blogging site, so I might as well try this too. So here goes - my first photography blog.

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